stories of
for the table

Nóstos (ancient greek: νόστος) is the journey to return back home, usually by sea, the Odissey par excellence. Nóstos is also the root of the word Nostalgia, intended as the sorrow of being far from home. To create this collection I started my journey back home from Naples. I pictured myself as a fisherman sailing along the coast, observing the wonders of the landscape and harvesting the beauty to nourish himself within. The scenography is the coastal landscape, which can be embraced with a single glance. As Ulysses I made some encounters on my way: the Vesuvius, the sea stacks with their legends and the local flora. I gathered them all and I combined them with my signature piece, a memory from home: the spoon. The end of the journey is the dinner table, where all the loved ones meet again and where the stories are shared.
Project made for Materiæ Edizioni Napoli by Spazio Materiae
exhibited during Edit Napoli 2020